full hard drive

We’ve all seen it, the dreaded “Your Startup Disk is Almost Full” Warning in OS X, which means you have a full hard drive. When that happens there is always the scrambling which we all do, to try and make some more space, or find out what files are our biggest Disk Space Hogs.

This is not always an easy task, sometimes we may delete many user files only to find that it has made little difference on the full hard drive. This is usually because some application has been caching away files in a library and the average user has no idea where to go to find it.

Today we are listing the Top 3 Free Utilities to help you clean up your full hard drive.


1: OmniDiskSweeper – sweep your full hard drive

Probably one of the the granddaddy of disk sweeping tools, Omni Disk Sweeper was built by the OmniGroup years ago as a paid for utility, but it has now been released as a Free application.

This app scans the drive of your choice and then displays the contents of the drive in a finder like window with the size of each directory (and all of their contents) and files so that you can track down the Disk Hogging Files you are searching for.

Omni Disk Sweeper for your full hard drive

Download OmniDiskSweeper


2: Disk Inventory X – inventory your full hard drive

Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3 (and later). It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called “treemaps”. If you’ve ever wondered where all your disk space has gone, Disk Inventory X will help you to answer this question.

Disk Inventory X for your full hard drive

Download Disk Inventory X


3: DiskWave – wave bye bye to your full hard drive

DiskWave scans your hard drive to compute the size of all folders and sub folders. The results are stored in memory, which allows faster navigation than the built-in “compute all sizes” option in the Finder. You can easily identify useless directories and delete them.

DiskWave for your full hard drive

Download DiskWave



And here is a Video Tutorial that covers these three options as well:



4: a Grand Perspective of your Full Hard Drive

I just found another utility which also helps you find the largest files on your computer called GrandPerspective. So give it a whirl and see if it works for you as it seems to be quite similar to Disk Inventory X


Download Grand Perspective